Sunday, November 06, 2011

Freebie: What's My Share? division concept activity

Here's another sharing/division freebie for you! This one is called What's My Share? This freebie is an independent activity perfect for your kiddos to practise the division concept during math tubs /centers or Daily 5 Math time.

 To play, you'll need a small container of counters (or some goodies!), a medicine or other small cup (I use the baby-cino cups from coffee shops), and a die. 

Students roll a die and take this many sea creature cards. They use the medicine cup to scoop up some counters or small goodies and then share them between the sea creatures one at a time.

Students record the total number of counters/goodies, how many sea creatures they shared them between, how many each creature got and how many left overs they had on the recording sheet.

I have included 2 record sheets - one to record how many counters and one for how many goodies were shared!
You can download it from my TPT and Teachers Notebook stores. If you download, please vote for my blog at Circle of Moms!